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​​​​◆导读 9月份开始的美国国家橄榄球联盟赛季是体育博彩公司增加广告投放的开始。博彩广告越来越多地加入美国大型体育赛事中。 ◆双语阅读 Online gambling operators, such as DraftKingsInc. and FanDuel Group, are spending hundreds of millions of dollars, and large shares of their revenues, on marketing, putting sports wagering in front of the American consumer. The push includes celebrity-filled TV commercials, advertising on billboards and podcasts, and sponsorships such as a DraftKings logo superimposed on the pitcher’s mound of a Major League Baseball broadcast. 在线博彩运营商,如DraftKings公司和FanDuel集团已经投入了数亿美元,以及很大一部分收入,用于市场营销,向美国消费者推销体育博彩。广告投放包括明星云集的电视广告、广告牌和播客广告,以及诸如通过在美国职业棒球大联盟转播的投手板上印有DraftKings标志等方式作为赞助的交换。 In New Jersey, a top regulator has warned about sports-betting marketing efforts. “If the industry does not control itself, the government will step in and certainly create standards they may not want,” David Rebuck, director of the New Jersey Department of Gaming Enforcement, said during a panel discussion in September. 在新泽西州,一名高级监管人员对体育博彩的营销方式提出了警告。新泽西州博彩业执法部门主管大卫·瑞巴克在9月的一次小组讨论中表示:“如果博彩业不能自我管控,政府肯定会介入,一定会制定一些他们可能不想要的标准。” In Colorado, where 25 digital sports-betting operators are competing for a gambling audience, the state’s House Speaker Alec Garnett, who helped push sports-betting legislation, said he expected ads to taper off after companies make an initial grab for new customers. Still, Mr. Garnett is fielding complaints from annoyed viewers, and said he could impose restrictions on advertising similar to limits on marijuana ads in the state. 在科罗拉多州,25家数字体育博彩运营商正在抢夺博彩用户,该州众议院议长亚历克·加内特曾帮助推动体育博彩立法,他预计在各公司初期抢夺新客户之后,博彩广告会逐渐减少。然而,加内特先生正在处理来自愤怒观众的投诉,并表示他可能会像限制该州的大麻广告一样,对博彩广告进行限制。 Sports-betting executives say they are sensitive to the issues around advertising, careful about drawing regulatory scrutiny, and that they plan to regulate themselves, while focusing on responsible messaging. The industry trade group American Gaming Association has issued a code of responsible marketing for sports wagering that outlines how ads must not target underage sports fans, must not be placed on toys and must include responsible gambling messages and help information.  体育博彩公司的高管们说,他们对广告相关问题很敏感,很谨慎地避免引发监管审查,他们计划自我监管,同时专注于负责任的信息传递。行业贸易组织美国博彩协会发布了一项体育博彩营销准则责任书,强调广告不能以未成年体育迷为目标,不能在玩具上打广告,广告中必须包括博彩信息责任声明和帮助信息。 The National Football League season that started in September was a kickoff for several sports-betting companies to increase ads and promotions. The NFL is keeping a lid on ads, having imposed a limit of six gambling ads a game, available only to league-approved companies. 9月开始的全国橄榄球联赛赛季是一些体育博彩公司增加广告和促销活动的开端。国家橄榄球联盟对广告进行了限制,规定每场比赛只能有6个赌博广告,只有联盟批准的公司才能投放广告。 本文节选自:WSJ.com: US Business(华尔街日报) 发布时间:2021.10.24 作者:Katherine Sayre 原文标题:Gambling Ads Become the New Normal for American Sports ◆词汇积累 1.wager 英 /ˈweɪdʒə/ 美 /ˈweɪdʒə/ n.赌注;赌博;赌物 vt.下赌注 2.superimposed 英 /suːpərɪmˈpəʊz/ 美 /suːpərɪmˈpəʊz/ vt.添加;重叠;附加;安装 3.mound 英 /maʊnd/ 美 /maʊnd/ n.堆;高地;坟堆;护堤 vt.堆起;筑堤 4.kickoff 英 ['kikɔf]  美 [ˈkɪkˌɔːf] n. 开端;开球 ◆词组搭配 1.taper off 逐渐变细;逐渐减少 2.keep a lid on 限制  ◆写作句总结 Still, Mr. Garnett is fielding complaints from annoyed viewers, and said he could impose restrictions on advertising similar to limits on marijuana ads in the state. 结构: … could impose restrictions on … similar to limits on …. …可能会像限制…一样限制… 例句: Public schools could impose restrictions on card games similar to limits on electronic products.​​​​​​​​
