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it continues to drive the development of football

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it continues to drive the development of football

今天我们要聊的是女足!比利时、荷兰和德国作为“BNG2027”将向国际足联联合申办2027年女足世界杯。为此,于4月17日至4月24日期间举行“BNG2027周”。距离国际足联大会投票表决主办国仅剩一个月的时间了。 Today is all about women’s football! Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany have formed “BNG2027” in order to jointly apply as host countries for the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2027. To this end, from 17 April to 24 April, BNG2027 was organizing the ‘Week of BNG2027’. With exactly one month to go until the FIFA Congress, where voting will take place to decide who gets to host FIFA Women’s World Cup 2027. BNG2027是3个足球强国的联合,每个国家都有自己独特的历史、文化和传统: BNG2027 is the joining of forces of three strong football nations, each with their unique history, culture and traditions:比利时 BBELGIUM 比利时皇家足球协会不仅在球场上,而且在世界水平的发展计划上非常成功。比利时女足进步迅速,该协会正在加大投资力度,并得到了众多热情粉丝和世界级合作伙伴的支持。 The Royal Belgian Football Association (RBFA) successfully delivers on the field as well as through world-class development programmes. The rise of women’s football in the country is moving fast and the RBFA is investing like never before, supported by a nation of passionate fans and world-class partners.荷兰 NTHE NETHERLANDS 荷兰女足国家队作为东道主赢得了2017年欧洲锦标赛冠军,这极大地推动了荷兰女足的发展——而且这种势头一直持续到今天。荷兰皇家足球协会被公认为是足球界的创新驱动力之一。 When the Dutch women’s national team won the 2017 European Championships at home, it gave a strong boost to women’s football in the Netherlands – and this momentum continues today. The Royal Netherlands Football Association (KNVB) is widely recognised as one of the drivers of innovation in the football world.德国 GGERMANY 德国足球协会拥有全球影响力,也是经验丰富的世界杯赛事主办方。虽然德国足协正在忙于备战2024年欧洲杯,但同时也在推动男女足在国内外取得进一步的发展。 The German Football Association (DFB) is a global force in football and an experienced FIFA World Cup host. As the DFB gears up to host the UEFA Euro 2024, it continues to drive the development of football, men’s and women’s, both at home and abroad. 尽管我们3国在球场上是劲敌,但同时也属于同一个申办团队,共同致力于女子足球的持续发展。比利时、荷兰和德国已经准备好一展身手! While we may be strong rivals on the pitch, we are one team in our commitment to the continued growth of women’s football. Belgium, Netherlands and Germany are ready to Break New Ground! 这个口号既雄心勃勃又很现实:一方面,BNG 2027旨在推动高水平竞赛 - 包括但不限于展示足球比赛的技术含量、球员和球迷的体验以及赛事的商业价值—— 另一方面,也着重于提升长期的可持续发展、全世界女性对足球的参与度以及足球在国际足联 211 个会员国中的整体发展。 This tagline balances both ambition and realism: on the one hand, BNG2027 aims for a high-level competition in all regards – including, but not limited, to the technical quality of the football on display to the player and fan experience as well as commercial value of the event – but it also envisions the promoting of the long-term impact when it comes to the overall sustainability, women’s participation in football around the world and the overall development of the game across FIFA’s 211 Member Associations. 因此,我们满怀兴奋地期待着投票结果! We are thus looking forward with anticipation to the voting date! 近期其他文章推荐: 蓝铃花地毯再次铺满布鲁塞尔郊区森林 It's time to appreciate bluebell carpet again! 比利时国王菲利普陛下64岁生日快乐!Happy Birthday His Majesty King Philippe! 欧洲联盟驻华代表团发言人就余文生和许艳二人被羁押一年的声明 下周六一整天,广州沙面岛“欧洲风情街”,约吗?EU Culture Street is coming to Guangzhou! 扫描二维码 关注我们 比利时驻华大使馆 微信号|比利时驻华大使馆 新浪微博|比利时驻华使馆 网站|china.diplomatie.belgium.be • www.belgium24.eu
