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admin头像 admin NBA赛事 2024-05-18 06:05:53 32


YinoLink易诺(YinoLink)是万里汇(WorldFirst)的优秀合作伙伴,联合本次活动一起推出了2024欧洲杯限量门票。 YinoLink is a close partner of WorldFirst. We jointly offer limited tickets for UEFA EURO 2024. 想获得限量门票? 继续往下看 你是否曾梦想踏入欧洲杯的赛场,身临其境地感受那份足球的狂热与激情?2024欧洲杯即将拉开帷幕,而现在,你将有机会亲临现场,铭记那些独一无二的震撼瞬间! Have you ever dreamed of entering the European Championship stadium to watch matches, experiencing the passion and passion of football firsthand? UEFA EURO 2024  is about to kick off, and now you will have the opportunity to personally watch the game and remember those unique and stunning moments! YinoLink易诺的老朋友万里汇,是2024欧洲杯官方全球支付合作伙伴。为了让大家共同分享这份喜悦与荣耀,我们特地为卖家朋友们准备了珍贵的2024欧洲杯赛事门票!只需在3月新开广告账户并在月底达到全部广告账户消耗前两名,你就可能成为那个幸运儿,零距离感受欧洲杯的澎湃激情!! YinoLink's old friend WorldFirst is the official global payment partner for the UEFA EURO 2024. In order to share this joy and glory with everyone, we have specially prepared precious tickets for the UEFA EURO 2024 for sellers! Just open a new advertising account in March and reach the top two of all advertising account consumption by the end of the month, and you may become the lucky one to experience the surging passion of the European Cup from zero distance!! 走,就在这个夏天,让我们前往赛场,见证WorldFirst时刻吧! Let's go, this summer, let's go to the arena and witness the WorldFirst moment! 万里汇(WorldFirst)作为蚂蚁集团旗下跨境电商及外贸B2B支付产品,一直是我们值得信赖的合作伙伴。未来,我们也将并肩同行,护航中小企业走向世界,成就更多的WorldFirst时刻! As a cross-border e-commerce and foreign trade B2B payment product under Ant Group, WorldFirst has always been our trusted partner. In the future, we will also walk shoulder to shoulder, escort small and medium-sized enterprises to the world, and achieve more WorldFirst moments! YinoLink易诺作为Facebook、TikTok、Google、Microsoft官方一级代理商,还能够为广告主提供免费的开户、充值服务,同时提供一对一的投放建议指导。 在2023年,我们已经成功服务近千家新兴卖家,以及众多国内品牌卖家成功布局海外市场。通过多场线上直播,为众多广告主在不同的海外营销节点到来之前提供了对应市场洞察和策略分析,同时携手Meta,TikTok for Business,Google,微软官方成功举办众多线下交流活动,旨在帮助更多的跨境卖家实现“产品出海”到“品牌出海”的成功转型。
