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2016欧洲杯_克里斯汀身着花色小礼服 做客《杰•雷诺今夜秀》_沪江英语

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2016欧洲杯_克里斯汀身着花色小礼服  做客《杰•雷诺今夜秀》_沪江英语

She has been making a growing number of television appearances to promote the last instalment of Twilight, but has as yet not addressed her fling with married director Rupert Sanders, which made headlines the world over. And Kristen Stewart still keeps it strictly business, on a forthcoming appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, judging by a new preview .  The 22-year-old actress discusses the ending of Twilight and doing as alter ego Bella Swan during the sit down chat on Monday. The star talked about Bella's new energy as a vampire after she was turned at the end of the last film and having to do stunts like wrestling a mountain lion and jumping into waterfalls. 'It was scary,' she admits. 'I made really embarrassing sounds the first time I did it. But then you get used to it. I can be after that.' The star looks stunning in a stunning patterned colourful dress with her hair pulled into a simple . Earlier, she had looked a little more low key as she arrived at the Hollywood studios in a white T-shirt and baseball cap to discuss Breaking Dawn Part II, which will be released in the U.S. on November 16. 'It is so shocking to be honest,' the star says about the ending 'with a twist.' She added: 'I can't even think about it, I get .' 沪江娱乐快讯:美国当地时间11月5日晚,克里斯汀·斯图尔特身穿花色拼接小礼服,头扎简单的马尾辫做客《杰·雷诺今夜秀》,为即将在11月16日上映的《暮色4:破晓(下)》做宣传。连体的小短裙很好的勾勒出了克里斯汀的美好身材,使她整个人看上去明艳惊人,性感十足。 在接受杰·雷诺采访的过程中,克里斯汀一直回避尽量不谈论他与帕丁森的感情问题。不过,就在当天,她还前往洛杉矶去看望正做客《吉米·科莫尔访谈》的帕丁森。 在谈及《破晓下》时,克里斯汀说,贝拉在变成吸血鬼之后将有着惊人的表演,比如同美洲狮打斗,从悬崖上跳入瀑布等。她自己坦言说,刚开始拍的时候,她整个人都提心吊胆的,不过后来慢慢地就习惯了。此外,她还说,在《破晓下》中的转变让人十分吃惊,连她自己都无法想象,她竟发狂成那样。
